Matt Black
1 min readMar 17, 2016

Liked the article and agree with a lot of it. Am hoping that a new era of CoCap- cooperative capitalism- is beginning, combining proven capitalist wealth creation mechanisms with cooperative ownership. Blockchain plays to this. eg Youber, a version of Uber owned by the drivers (and customers, the more you use it the more your share increases) could undercut Uber as Ubers 20-25% slice for shareholders could be replaced by Youber using say 2–5% running costs, then the remainder used to undercut Uber by say 10% and still leave the drivers better of by +5–10%! I hope get somewhere with this idea. Inequality is a huge problem, damages economies, and must be addressed if humanity is to know peace. This could be a start.

Matt Black
Matt Black

Written by Matt Black

Matt Black is half of legendary DJ duo+multimedia pop group Coldcut, and founders of Ninja Tune.

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